Friday, May 23, 2008


Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
Sometimes someone sees your work, calls you and sets an appointment. Most of the time I feel as if I am chasing down clients. Daily review of craigslists and some other places. Anything to get work noticed. Lauren called me though. She is new to this fashion/modeling/glamour/goth scene and asked if I would work with her. Hungry as I am I jumped at the opportunity. This is one small part of a very successful shoot. I know that she wants to do more grunge type work and I think I have just the right spots in mind. Thanks, Lauren.

Monday, May 5, 2008


In light of foreclosures and $350,000 1 BR condos and rising gas prices and food and everything else I enclose this photo of artwork on the side of what was the Farmers and Mechanics Bank in Minneapolis. I pass by this almost everyday. The bank has been transformed a number of times. It went from Farmers and Mechanics to F&M to First Bank to USBank and now it is a luxury hotel with valet parking out front. This is what happens to the few good things that are created for working people. Noblesse obtained. They have to have it all. Three and four vacation homes; luxury this and that. Glitz and greed. That must be the malady my sister succumbed to in her quest for fame(?) or whatever it is she seeks. Look around you. Youth, pure physical beauty, greed and lack of social awareness is what have brought our society to the brink. Those who have choose not to think about those who do not. Calvinism at its rampant best.
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