Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
Sometimes in the midst of simply going about your daily existence, serendipity comes along for a visit. Serendipity is one of my favorite friends. She can drop in unannounced. In reality I often prefer that she come this way. Surprise is a gift for me. Be prepared. This young lady came to visit with a photographer I happened to be sharing a studio session with. She wanted a senior portrait. I think we accomplished that as well as a few more. She was a joy to work with; willing eager and malleable, but expressive enough not to be pushed around. What has serendipity brought by your studio or location shoot lately?

Monday, July 20, 2009


I worked with so many kinds of families today. One close knit but definitely dysfunctional family. Another family who is severely struggling with attachment and truth and mental health issues. I also had the opportunity to talk with the Guardian ad Litem about another one of my families. We laughed and struggled to avoid crying. In a rare moment, the county attorney, public defender, GAL and I had a moment of common empathy. You would have to be familiar with the courts to see how rarely this occurs. PDs and GALs team up with one side or the other and complete allegiances and alliances.

The last family was the marriage family of a photo classmate. Her nieces came in. The younger for a senior portrait. This is one of a handful of shots I took. Most of my work tonight was the lighting technician. But I did manage to squeeze off a couple of beautiful shots. This is one of my favorites. She worked hard and endured a long session with 3 photographers and a few lighting/background/wardrobe changes. However, I think she will love the eventual results.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
Interesting sport. The fans are not as many as soccer fans, but I think that they are equally rabid. This is a quick sport. Lots of running and changing directions. Bumping, pushing, shoving are an intrinsic part of the game. I enjoyed watching and learning about this while I zoomed and searched for clear images.

Friday, July 3, 2009


Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
We take our baseball seriously here. My son playing catcher for his championship series game. Great light that day.

A Rose

A Rose
Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
...is a rose is a rose. But we have this beautiful rose garden in Minneapolis. It is a site for many a wedding portrait. Sunday when I visited it was also the site for many a quinciera shoot. Teenaged Hispanic girls frilled and frumped pulling up in grand extended Hummer limos.

I strolled through the gardens and breathed that slightly pungent fragrance of roses. All natural light. All natural wonder.


Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
My cell rings and my friend is looking for a studio space to shoot with potential model. I book him in and have to go back to my paying job. I test the lighting and the PWs to be sure they are working. I think I set this shot at ISO 100; 1//125s and f/5.6 before we actually checked the lighting with the flash meter. So here we go.