Monday, May 30, 2011

No One Recognized Me

No One Recognized Me
Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
I have the song, "Garden Party" in my head. But the flower image was a justifiably happy occasion. I was looking forward to a peaceful holiday. Kids were away with the ex, and it was going to be a stormy weekend, meaning I would be inside for most of it.

This beautiful soldier stood at attention for me in our garden. The neighbor's yard is many yards off so the grass serves as a nice bland background with wonderful highlights coming from the ample shade trees on our property.

I am not sure if these are more beautful just before they bloom or just after. They are like two very different flowers. You decide!

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
Sometimes you have to look at a photo many times before you actually see what attracted you in your mind's eye. Sometimes you have to work it through the many filters that we have.

Here are some of mine:

I don't like the light.
The background is distracting.
It needs color.
I wish I had some (name the film or the filter).
It's boring or uninteresting from this perspective.
It is not what I thought it was.
Too many people.
Wrong angle.
Wrong light.

Sometimes you have to visit the same place many times to get the light you want.
Sometimes you have to have your mind's eyes looking at different times.
Sometimes it will not be art until you have made the image and can "see" it as you "SAW" it anyway.

Make the capture. Take it home. Pull it out once in a while. Some photos are like old clothes. We just have them hanging in our "photo closet" but we don't wear them. Computers have "shoe boxes" where you might store them away until you and the image are ready to be reacquainted.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Topsy Turvy

Topsy Turvy
Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
Many of us get so accustomed to routine. We shoot from the same angles, with the same style of lighting. We create and re-create that which is comfortable and familiar to us. I think in the process of doing this we create mediocre images. Perhaps technically beautiful, but staid and boring images.

Try to shoot from a different angle. Rather than use your Fill In STROBE here or your LIGHT MODIFIER here, use some old piece in your lighting kit. Use a lense you might not think is golden or recommended for a particular use. Use a film camera if you shoot digital. Use a medium format camera if you shoot large format or 35mm format. Use an SLR if you prefer rangefinders. Experiment, laugh at your mistakes or discomfort with the product you have. But most of all have fun. Be wise when you venture out.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Lie in Truth's Clothing

Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
This is a story that my sister recalls our father telling her. I have not heard the story before but it really does resonate with me.

The story is told that Truth and Lie go swimming in a pond on a hot day. They realize they don’t have their swimming suits, so they go skinny dipping. After having fun swimming in the pond, Truth realizes that he needs to go back to work and sees that Lie has already left. Truth finds both his and Lie’s clothes gone, goes into town buck naked, knocks on Lie’s door and says, “Why did you steal my clothes?” Lie answers, “I didn’t steal your clothes.” Truth says, “But you are wearing them right now!” And Lie responds, “Not only did I not steal your clothes, but these are my clothes and always have been!”

We are more willing to believe a lie in truth’s clothing than to believe the naked truth!