Sunday, November 15, 2009


Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
Sometimes the images just want out of the camera. This was on a roll of film I shot this spring or early summer. I was on a photowalk with a group in St. Paul today. One of my photobuddies asked if I had a roll of film and I volunteered this one. Apparently it was a roll that somehow made it back into my film fridge and sat until today. This is one of the images liberated from the partially exposed for the second time roll. Carl developed the Adox CHS 25 at ISO 100 because it was cloudly overcast day and we need the push in order to get some useable shutter speeds. As luck would have it, I recall the old train where I found this peeling paint. I have a similar image that was taken with a digital body, but this one is excellent and will merit a trip to the darkroom.

Moral of the story...look at the images and don't wait. There might really be a killer image stored in your film or on one of those media cards. Taking the photo is only half the fun. Viewing it and showing your vision to others is the rest. Happy shooting.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
I shot this wedding for a co-worker a couple of weeks ago. She was beautiful. Her family was beautiful and so were her friends. I was touched by the genuineness of the wedding participants and guests. So much joy and love. That is what the world needs more of.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Granite Notes

Granite Notes
Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
1000 words...more or less!

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
This couple had the most wonderful attitude. They laughed and cooperated with the natural light family portraits. They danced at the reception. They told me stories when asked. Their guests were equally wonderful. Every wedding should be like this one, except a tad more warmth and lots more sunlight.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Abstract Monochrome 01

Abstract Monochrome 01
Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
Serendipity strikes again. I took the time to follow my intuitive instinct and went to see the train. I did take some frames of the whole engine and some of the cars, but what I found most interesting was the details. Here is one particularly fun image that resulted from that study.

St. Paul Art Crawl

Victorian Couple 016
Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
This is the first year I have participated in any real art event. I have some photos on display at a coffee shop or two and I did have some at one of my favorite restaurants, but this was people actually coming to me to see photos. So I had a selection of portraits and some fashion work. A couple of flowers and then two abstracts. One got most of the attention. I suspect I will get some inquiries regarding this one. See it on my blog next entry.

Near the end of Saturday evening, in walks this couple. They were so cool and collected. I think they were going to be attending a function related to their attire. I took the chance and asked if they would pose and sit for a portrait. They agreed. Here is on result. Sometimes you have to ask for the things you want.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
Every where I go I see eyes. In people, in sculpture, in abstracts. Here this building is showing me itself and its soul. I see the eyes in the flowers on opposite sides of the door (mouth maybe). Theme for me perhaps, but I enjoy looking and seeing. Such a nice metaphor for a photographer. Maybe if I were more musically inclined I would see something else. But then maybe I would not be writing about what I see as much as what I hear! What do you think?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Coneflower in Rain

Coneflower in Rain
Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
I like photography. I like film. I like digital. I like rangefinders. I like 35mm format. I like medium format. I like color. I like B/W. If I have a camera in hand or near me, I think of myself as content. I shoot in spurts. Sometimes I shoot daily. Sometimes I just have the camera with me. I have one in my briefcase- it is an Olympus XA. It is portable and reliable.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

T and K

T and K
Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
Who would have thought that I would ever have liked fashion/model/glamor photography? I certainly would not think this would be part of who I am.

Tammy and Kennitra. Barry set this up. We used Studio 580 and Linda came to assist with posing. Lights, camera, action. Some outside and more inside. Tammy has an unnervingly intense relationship/interaction with her photographer. She can change into so many different personae. Kennitra apparently is able to follow that lead and actually showed remarkable talent herself for pushing beyond just what the package looks like.

If I can maintain this kind of intensity and work with my emotions I can do better. Go see the work that LA Design and Barry Moore Photo from this fun and educational shoot. Tell me what you think. More importantly, tell them what you think.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
I see this dragonfly often when I am driving to work in the morning. I took Friday as a vacation day. I needed the rest. I saw this on the way back from working at my studio.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
Sometimes in the midst of simply going about your daily existence, serendipity comes along for a visit. Serendipity is one of my favorite friends. She can drop in unannounced. In reality I often prefer that she come this way. Surprise is a gift for me. Be prepared. This young lady came to visit with a photographer I happened to be sharing a studio session with. She wanted a senior portrait. I think we accomplished that as well as a few more. She was a joy to work with; willing eager and malleable, but expressive enough not to be pushed around. What has serendipity brought by your studio or location shoot lately?

Monday, July 20, 2009


I worked with so many kinds of families today. One close knit but definitely dysfunctional family. Another family who is severely struggling with attachment and truth and mental health issues. I also had the opportunity to talk with the Guardian ad Litem about another one of my families. We laughed and struggled to avoid crying. In a rare moment, the county attorney, public defender, GAL and I had a moment of common empathy. You would have to be familiar with the courts to see how rarely this occurs. PDs and GALs team up with one side or the other and complete allegiances and alliances.

The last family was the marriage family of a photo classmate. Her nieces came in. The younger for a senior portrait. This is one of a handful of shots I took. Most of my work tonight was the lighting technician. But I did manage to squeeze off a couple of beautiful shots. This is one of my favorites. She worked hard and endured a long session with 3 photographers and a few lighting/background/wardrobe changes. However, I think she will love the eventual results.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
Interesting sport. The fans are not as many as soccer fans, but I think that they are equally rabid. This is a quick sport. Lots of running and changing directions. Bumping, pushing, shoving are an intrinsic part of the game. I enjoyed watching and learning about this while I zoomed and searched for clear images.

Friday, July 3, 2009


Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
We take our baseball seriously here. My son playing catcher for his championship series game. Great light that day.

A Rose

A Rose
Originally uploaded by lucienphoto a rose is a rose. But we have this beautiful rose garden in Minneapolis. It is a site for many a wedding portrait. Sunday when I visited it was also the site for many a quinciera shoot. Teenaged Hispanic girls frilled and frumped pulling up in grand extended Hummer limos.

I strolled through the gardens and breathed that slightly pungent fragrance of roses. All natural light. All natural wonder.


Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
My cell rings and my friend is looking for a studio space to shoot with potential model. I book him in and have to go back to my paying job. I test the lighting and the PWs to be sure they are working. I think I set this shot at ISO 100; 1//125s and f/5.6 before we actually checked the lighting with the flash meter. So here we go.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
I am tired and will be taking a nice long weekend for relaxation and peacefulness. I have seen more and heard more than I can bear right now. Death and ugliness have circled my camp. The virtual wolves and lions are watching the vultures overhead and hoping for my eventual demise.

But I do have energy for photography. Getting behind the camera will give me new energy. It will give me renewed purpose and reasons to be again. See you when I get back.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. I had not noticed how drab my photos had become this most recent winter until the splendiferous array of color assaulted my viewfinder. Reds, orange, yellows. Even the grays look brighter. Go out and enjoy the sun. It is here to stay. Study it - there is morning sun...the many variants of mid-day sun that we think of as harsh and evening and twilight sun. Each period of the day carries its own wonderful kind of opportunities to shoot and experience the light.

My son's baseball team played in the "harsh" light of mid-day. I could have avoided taking photos or worked my brain a bit and used the sun to my best advantage. That however is another post.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


So very much has happened.

Too much to try to recover. You read the newspapers!

Summer is approaching us here in the norther latitudes. Warm days, yet cool evenings. No bugs yet. Life is good. We joined a CSA (community supported agriculture) after I finished a book by Jane Goodall on the horrors of our food sources here.

I am still in the studio. It is almost paying for itself.

Have to think about charging. Weddings booked almost for the summer.

See you all soon!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
She called me one day out of the blue asking if I could shoot together with her soon. Thing was that she was planning to go to London the following day. We managed to squeeze a few great shots into a couple of hours. This is one of my favorites.