Sunday, November 15, 2009


Originally uploaded by lucienphoto
Sometimes the images just want out of the camera. This was on a roll of film I shot this spring or early summer. I was on a photowalk with a group in St. Paul today. One of my photobuddies asked if I had a roll of film and I volunteered this one. Apparently it was a roll that somehow made it back into my film fridge and sat until today. This is one of the images liberated from the partially exposed for the second time roll. Carl developed the Adox CHS 25 at ISO 100 because it was cloudly overcast day and we need the push in order to get some useable shutter speeds. As luck would have it, I recall the old train where I found this peeling paint. I have a similar image that was taken with a digital body, but this one is excellent and will merit a trip to the darkroom.

Moral of the story...look at the images and don't wait. There might really be a killer image stored in your film or on one of those media cards. Taking the photo is only half the fun. Viewing it and showing your vision to others is the rest. Happy shooting.

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