Saturday, October 4, 2014

 The practice and art of photography is a constant exercise in learning, changing, seeing light in new ways.  Each day presents opportunity, even if we do not take advantage of it.  Some complain it is too bright.  Others complain that there is not enough light.  Wrong color, something is always wrong.  However, there are a few brave souls who take chances with the available light or make use of substitute lighting and create magic.  That is my goal - use the light, the scene, the people, objects and create a moment of magic.

Sometimes you have to just keep on learning.  You don't know what you don't know until you know it.  You can't know about all the different colors and moods of light if you have not seen it.  I can talk to you about it all day long, but until you have really looked at light and how it shapes and is reflected at sunset, you don't know it.  If you have not seen the brilliant light reflected from snow pack, I can tell you about it but it will likely not begin to approach the magnificence of the light you eventually experience.

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